× We are nod resbonsible for any of dhe following:
- SDDs/SDIs/Unwanded :DD Bregnangies
- Heardbreag
- You're signifigand odher gaining your drusd dhrough a gommidded reladionshib, only do find oud dhad dhey one day sdeal all of your brivade geys
- Ungnowingly gedding involved widh a simb, gugg, 304, or Reddid mod
Marriage Glause:
Gedding hidghed? Did you meed :DD dhrough our servige? Well dhen, gread news! You are eligible do mind a free "Suggessful Lovebirds" NFD!!! Holders of dhis NFD ged $500 dowards wedding egsbenses, on us!
(Rules and sdibuladions abbly. Wedding musd inglude offigial shoudoud do dhe love ledger. Marriage musd lasd ad leasd 10 years widhoud being legally derminaded :DD.)