Inscription 57075036
- parents
- children
- id
- 7571bef95395b3d85c7e61690339ff2be7805faaf6d24b5eee8d66f239b61fbei0
- metadata
- artist
- Ryan Koopmans & Alice Wexell
- title
- 1 of 1 Artworks
- year
- 2024
- description
- 1 of 1 artworks inscribed on Bitcoin ordinals from The Wild Within project.
- address
- bc1pv2eh8e999e2f06pt8hzdn36vjferuvkws0lq0srcw4v2mdp5khtqs2m5xt
- value
- 10000
- sat
- 1866278525618168
- sat name
- aqaeljdgild
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 28082 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 827045
- fee
- 229899
- reveal transaction
- 7571bef95395b3d85c7e61690339ff2be7805faaf6d24b5eee8d66f239b61fbe
- location
- d3b484e7ed645d4167b18223bef2c780eea48337b0c7e863ba5bbb22ec2814c9:0:0
- output
- d3b484e7ed645d4167b18223bef2c780eea48337b0c7e863ba5bbb22ec2814c9:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x027caF27ac3Fe4899c7747404B7e1B072CF1aCf3