Inscription 73339361
- parents
- id
- 1efff560101bba4c4532f7320f7c5e2bc6260ccf1bc9592570bb1a45abdfeb19i21
- metadata
- title
- Ordenza #994
- description
- This Ordenza was inscribed on Saturday the 27th of July, 2024.
- hash
- 51c25255852cf306199deae00473f0ba0521e3c14001b03639e2de07cd24b07a
- address
- bc1pz4xnawvhrk4tqm50ykynjgnem4d44kf7jftkqe2wwf3nnx7ve8mqwwspyt
- value
- 546
- sat
- 1926877884373248
- sat name
- aevznltmzkb
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 216 bytes
- content type
- text/html;charset=utf-8
- timestamp
- height
- 854123
- fee
- 827
- reveal transaction
- 1efff560101bba4c4532f7320f7c5e2bc6260ccf1bc9592570bb1a45abdfeb19
- location
- 1efff560101bba4c4532f7320f7c5e2bc6260ccf1bc9592570bb1a45abdfeb19:22:0
- output
- 1efff560101bba4c4532f7320f7c5e2bc6260ccf1bc9592570bb1a45abdfeb19:22
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xcde123637869ED8e0ac28F921A7D683e430D1A4E